Saturday, January 12, 2008

Week 24:

***NEWSFLASH***Maddie has officially moved out of mommy and daddy’s room and has a new address……. her nursery! I can’t remember how many times I went to check on her the first night, and each time she was sound asleep. In fact, she slept so good in her new bed, her little eyes were puffy the next morning. I do have to admit that I miss her being so close…… these days she is chewing on anything she can get her mouth on with her two new choppers! She is also getting up on all fours and rocking back and forth. She will do that for a little bit and then fall over. Soon enough she will be crawling to the fridge to get her own teething ring! Maddie never ceases to amaze me…..she is such a magical little person !

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