Thursday, November 8, 2007

Week 15:

I almost thought that the time had come for baby maddie to leave the nest and move on to bigger and better things……a.k.a. her own room. She had slept all the way through the night for 3 nights in a row and then came daylight savings time and messed all of that up. So she is still hanging out in mommy and daddy’s room for the time being. As bad as this probably sounds, I am kind of glad that she has started waking up more in the night. It makes me sad to think of her in her big room all by her little self. Right now I can sit up in bed and look at her in her pac-n-play, hear her when she is having a sweet dream and laughs in her sleep, and know when she rolls over. I don’t know who it will be harder on when she makes that big move……maddie or mommy.

1 comment:

Summer said...

Enjoy that closeness as long as you can and don't rush yourself or her. All I ever see of Elle anymore is the back of her head as she's constantly running away from me!!!